Monday, January 28, 2013

Sinceritus Probita

Let's be frank, in today's world there is no such thing as virtue. "Sinceritus Probita" simply means True Virtue. In this insert, I hope to issue a sense of hope to those wandering in the hopelessness of the dark nights. We all know the famous words of Alfred Lord Tennyson, "It's better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all," but does anyone really believe that? I mean, true, loss is feature of life. Still though, where does the line between love, infatuation, and lust get drawn? Frankly, there is no line between any of them. Unfortunately, I can't issue sound advice about relationships as I have never been in one; I can however, issue advice from observation. Due to my permanent standing as the "Math and Science guy," I have never known the warm embrace of someone that has loved me (outside my family) and while this perturbs me and upsets me a wee bit, I am unable to change it. Through these things, I have been able to study other's relationships from the most immaculate in nature to the most infinitesimal "flings." If there is but one thing I have learned from my continual studies; it's that teenagers have the attention span of a mentally challenged goldfish.

Lisa Hoffman said it best when she said, "Love is like π; natural, irrational, and very important." But seriously, how can this be applied? Well, I'm rather glad you asked. Relationships, or rather love in general, is much like a skill learned over time (with the exception that every person has love hardwired into their heads from birth), with practice comes near perfection. I borrowed Bateman's Principle as well as the Scarcity Principle in an attempt to make a scientific observation about the dreaded "Friendzone" and such. While it still goes untested, I have a good feeling about it. Check it out too, but I digress, we have to understand ourselves before we can ever hope to understand others. To find happiness, we should stop looking without, and start looking within.

How can you expect anyone else to love you if you don't first love yourself? Here's an idea, put God first, seconded only by yourself, THEN everyone else. We keep running around in circles trying so hard to find someone that completes us, but more often than not, we are either to afraid to make that first move or we just end up back at the starting position. We typically pass "Go" but don't collect the $100. Let's face it, if there ever existed a race of creatures in the universe that was accident prone and was absolutely terrible at everything, it'd be us. We are a cluttered race with the natural tendency to muck up everything we set our hands against, sad truth. We are always so ready to accept the next big thing without thinking for ourselves what WE want, only what media and society tells us we want. With all these soap operas and television shows that promote premarital sex and all these other things that would typically go against our morals, can anyone else see why we are so messed up? I sure can.

Imagine the current crush your heart is telling you that you love, imagine being with them. Now, that'll never happen unless you take that first step! Even if something goes wrong, or nothing goes at all, you can always fall back on Lord Tennyson's words which I leave you here again, "It's better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all." Think about those words, think about your life, make that first step, and if it doesn't work out, keep your head held high first and foremost. People can only beat you up, if you let them. Don't be a doormat, be a pillar that holds up the house.

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